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What’s been happening around Hutchinson Family Dentistry? Here you’ll find some of the news and happenings from our office including what we are doing in the community and dental related items we want you to be aware of.
What’s been happening around Hutchinson Family Dentistry? Here you’ll find some of the news and happenings from our office including what we are doing in the community and dental related items we want you to be aware of.
For several years now, we have partnered with New Era Financial in Hutchinson to present a free kids movie at the Century 9 Theater in Hutchinson. These are usually on the first Saturday of each month. The doors open at 9:30 am Show begins at 10:00 am. All families and kids are welcome, you don’t need to be a patient of Hutchinson Family Dentistry to attend. To see what movies are showing in the future, check out the Century 9 Facebook page here.